Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Friday, July 26, 2019

cross country

I am going to tell you what my
cross country plans are .My goal is to run the
whole way around .I'm trying to run every
single day i really need to eat healthy food
because I don't eat healthy food I jump on
the trampoline but i don’t go that much
because i forget. 

By Jasreet.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

                 My pepeha
Ko Puke Kiwiriki te maunga 
Ko Pahurehure te awa
Ko Papakura Central School te kura

Ko Jasreet toku ingoa .

Monday, July 1, 2019


                      Motat trip   
Motat was usual enough it had a  tram school playground village. And even a scavenger hunt i never  went on. My parents helpar created my school mates played and i did what kids listened do-  
Machias was so old .
Old houses was so cool .
Trains were so fun.
Motat sign was so color full.
 morning tea was so delch
I Learnt about motat